Investing Your Funds
See Your Money for
basic savings advice.
There has been a lot of publicity
in the last few years about Windfall Shares: Shares paid out
to members of Building Societies and other mutual bodies
converting to Banks or being taken over: The
outlook is that we can expect more of the same!
you have been fortunate enough to have been on the receiving end
of any such payouts, you may have considered how to best use the
Shares - whether to hold or sell, where to keep them (the shares)
or their proceeds, and what else to invest in. Every financial
services company out there (Banks, Building Societies, Insurance
Companies, Investment Companies etc), wants a part in your
windfall.!! I have put this page together to
give a bit of free help in making those choices.
Wealth Warning:
The value of any
stock market related investment can go down as well as up.
If you are unclear on anything offered take professional advice.
See also
FREE Guides to help you
FREE ISA Guide - Chase de Vere
- 0800 526091 / 0800 9859005
FREE Guide on understanding ISAs -
Lloyds Bank -
0800 056 0160
FREE ISA Information Pack -
CommShare- 0808
100 5045
FREE Discount ISA Selection - Chelsea
F S - 0800 071 3333
FREE ISA Discount Directory - Elson Associates
- 0800 0961111
FREE ISA Discount Directory - Hargreaves Lansdown -
0800 850661
FREE Guide to Shareholder Perks - Hargreaves Lansdown -
0800 1380456
FREE Unit Trust/ OEIC Discount Directory - Hargreaves Lansdown -
0800 1380456
FREE Info pack on Savings Strategy, Tax, Risk and Reward -
Wesleyan- 0800 806060
FREE Income Guide -
Columbia Threadneedle
- 0800 953 0134
NOT to Invest!
Beware the Rip-off scams arriving
in your mail by the bucket load:
Never be duped into giving your hard
earned cash, or your bank/credit card details to anybody you have
never previously heard of claiming "you have won a prize"
- All you are likely to have won is someone's affection for your
There are thousands of bogus money-making scam promotions operating
from both within the UK and from abroad. Get wised-up with
Citizens Advice.
Savings Accounts (ISAs)
There are three simple steps to
investing in an ISA: |
1) Decide how much you are going to
invest and which style of ISA (See ISA
Rules) |
2) Select a provider ( See ISA
Info and/or Banking
on the Money page for Mini Cash ISAs.) |
3) Select a Discount
An ISA can be useful in that the dividends are
Tax-free but beware the management charges:
Make sure they don't outstrip the tax savings BEFORE you commit your money!
ISA Rules for Tax
year 2019/2020: |
You may have Cash
ISA up to £20,000,
Or Stocks & Shares ISA up to £20,000,
Or an Innovative Finance ISA up to £20,000
or a mixture but the maximum combined limit is £20,000*
Part of your £20,000 may be held in a Help to Buy ISA
and/or Lifetime ISA
Lifetime ISA limit is £4,000 pa and that is still part
of your £20,000 limit |
Discounted ISAs
DO NOT buy direct if you want a discount!
companies give a discount on the value of the ISA you buy into, in
the form of cashback or additional units, which you cannot get if
you go direct!!
This applies to Unit Trusts and OEICs held in an
ISA 'wrappper'.
Note Investment Trusts (Its) do not attract the commission
levels which enable discounts.
For more
Mini/Maxi ISA (Equities) info direct:
FREEPHONE Numbers; 0345- Lo-call Numbers).